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Stars Blog - Sunday 25th of July 2010

Gayle's View: Simple Inspirations
Sunday 25th of July 2010
"Isn't it splendid to think of all the things there are to find out about? It just makes me feel glad to be alive--it's such an interesting world. It wouldn't be half so interesting if we know all about everything--would it? There'd be no scope for imagination then, would there?

L.M. Montomgery--Anne of Green Gables


I thrive on "scope for imagination". Getting a new idea or some sort of an inspiration is a a magic elixer for me. And (maybe you have discovered this too) it is all out there waiting to be found. I find it in books, photos, magazines, movies TV, nature, and always, always in other people's homes and gardens and the way they entertaing.

I will share photos with you of a lovely July lunch hosted by Carol Kelly on the patio above her beautiful garden. Carol's large garden is legendary among northwest gardeners and could fill a book with all her plantings, water features, garden art, amazing rock wall, pond--even a lake.

We were all lucky to have the sun out--the fog we've been having lately in the mornings had lifted, and it was pleasantly warm. The table was all set for eight, and a beautiful sight indeed. Carol's centerpiece was composed of small tin containers each holding a single hydrangea bloom. Simple but effective...

Every single one of these ladies at this lunch have given me inspiration and scope at one time or another. Collectively, they garden, write, cook and bake, paint, rug hook, build furniture, make flower arrangements, build fountains and, birdhouses, and birdbaths. Some have been shop owners. They have all been collectors of antiques. And they are just so much fun too. From left clockwise, Dulcy, me, Rosemary, (sorry empty seat is Julie's who was taking the photo), Kathy, Dianne, Norma, and our hostess, Carol.

I have been trying to work on making my little outdoor deck at home look better, so on this particular day, I was really noticing the outdoor patio and how welcoming and comfortable Carol has made it. I was quite taken with the wall pictured below. Now I just won't outright copy Carol, but I have gotten some ideas about hanging things on my wall. The lamp shown below is a recent purchase at Dianne Muyskens' garage sale. Carol went to Freddie's, bought an inexpensive lamp shade and painted it.

A surprise treat after touring the garden and dessert was being led downstairs to Carol's workshop. There laid out all over the counter were all the ingredients for each of us to make a "woodland arrangement" to take home. Plants, cones, mushrooms, flowers, moss, twigs, rocks, oasis, and a container were all supplied. The teachers were Carol and Dianne who had recently taken a class from Francoise Weeks. Not difficult at all once the materials were assembled. Oh the scope of it all.....

and I sign off thinking I'll share photos of what I've done when I decorate my little deck (humble though it is).......


photos courtesy of Dianne Muyskens


Thursday August 05 at 08:41:58 AM

By: Christe'

oh, such a pretty day spent with friends!

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